POOLaide in 2024

I've been hard at work refreshing our YouTube channel content because things just tend to look stale on the internet after four years. It's a work in progress, but please share your thoughts with me at katie@lakeviewaquaticconsultants.com to let me know what you want to see more of (content-wise) on YouTube.

I'm happy to say we're relaunching the 2020 POOLaide Webinars in 2024. How has it been four years already?! The videos themselves are not being edited - it's almost quaint; they're from the Stone Age of online webinars - but the first video with updated links is now available.

We're also adding Closed Captions (CC) to every single video on our channel (old and new), so please bear with us as it takes some time to do this for 150+ hours of video content. It is really important to me that we do this as 1 in 5 people is estimated to have some form of hearing loss or impairment.

I recognize that a lot of people have no desire to return mentally or emotionally to March 2020, but I would be remiss if I didn't recognize the personal success I've had - and the professional growth Lakeview Aquatic Consultants has experienced - because our little webinars went hyper viral with 1,500 attendees in the aquatic industry. Thank you for your continued support, and thank you for being here if POOLaide is what brought you to us in the first place.

Also this week:

I shared an unpopular opinion: I only do paid speaking engagements. I give back to the industry in many different ways, but speaking for free is not one of them.

I also released an interview languishing on my hard drive (completed last year) about leadership and staff mentoring in aquatics. How can we do better by our teams?

*Lastly, I tackled a viral question from Instagram: toothbrushing in swimming pool change rooms. Who knew it was so controversial?!

Thanks so much for being here.

Katie Crysdale
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants ltd.

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