POOLaide 2020 rereleases

I've been on the road teaching as we gear up for summer pool season, so it's been difficult to allocate the time to YouTube that it deserves. I don't worry too much about what other people think, but I also know what it's like to not have the time to work on personal projects that are important to you. In swimming parlance, you're treading water successfully, but also not making it any closer to shore!

I'm happy to be able to (finally!) present the first three updated POOLaide Webinars from 2020. Four years is a lifetime on the internet, so understandably lots of links and landing pages were broken. We've refreshed the resources so everything functions correctly, and is relevant to your work in 2024.

Cross-Country Checkup - named after the longstanding CBC radio show I grew up listening to in the car on Sundays - takes us back to the nascent days of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Lots of us have no desire to go back in time, but I treasure this first webinar as an important artefact to what we were all feeling as an industry, without even knowing the full weight of what was coming.

One of the most popular videos on our YouTube Channel has always been the Canadian Red Cross Psychological First Aid empowerment session. This is not a replacement for a full class or professional mental health counselling, but it's beneficial for anyone seeking basic skills to recognize - and cope with - uncertainty.

This is a classic episode: reopening you swimming pool after an extended closure. Anytime a pool has to close for emergency repairs, water conservation, etc. operators are placed in a situation where they do not know exactly how long they have to maintain the water quality until it's time to reopen. This is a longer video, so play this one in the background while you catch up on email and other administrivia. It's worth it, I promise.

All this best this week.

Katie Crysdale
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Ltd.

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