News Roundup #8

In terms of pool news this week, there are a number of developing stories that we'll come back to as more information becomes available.

Free lunch program keeps kids at the pool well-fed
At a time when so many people are struggling with the very basic costs of living, it's encouraging to see a program that will have such a direct impact on children in the community. 40-120 kids are provided lunch each day at the outdoor swimming pool by the local food bank and a community business partner.

Have you heard of a similar program in your community? If so, please email

Family alleges 'major negligence' behind death of teen who drowned in Winnipeg city pool
A family in Winnipeg continues to allege an insufficient standard of care in the lifeguards' response to their son's fatal drowning at a city pool back in April. This is a tragedy for everyone involved, but the family's repeated claims in the media leads me to think this case might be headed to civil litigation... much rare for the aquatics industry in Canada, compared to the USA.

Man dies in apparent hot tub electrocution at Mexico beach resort in Puerto Peñasco
This was the biggest non-story of the week. A user on Reddit posted video footage (content warning: some people may find the video disturbing) following an alleged hot tub electrocution at a resort in Mexico. However, there has only been one mention of this incident in the news media that I can find, hence why I say it's not been a story...when it should be.

I recorded an Aquatic Industry Insider video, but the reality is we just don't have many facts yet as to what actually happened.

Inuvik’s swimming pool closes, again, over ‘foundation concern’
This community in the Northwest Territories can't catch a break. This indoor swimming pool has been closed more than it's been open during the last five years. It's a difficult situation for a Northern community with limited indoor recreation options. It's also frustrating to keep sinking funds into an aquatic facility that's relatively new.

A lifejacket is too late to put on when you need it.
If you didn't catch this video I reshared on our Facebook page, this is - hands down - the best lifejacket/water safety education video I've seen in a long, long time. Please consider sharing it with friends & families as people engage in more boating activities this summer.

University of Calgary Active Living: Temporary Closure of Aquatic Centre
The City of Calgary is struggling with a major water line break that has the mayor asking residents to decrease water usage by at least 20% and city pools are now closed indefinitely to conserve water resources.

If you're looking for a different kind of cake for your next aquatic staff meeting, how about this simple blue Jell-O upgrade to a grocery store cake?

Thanks for being here, I never take it for granted.

Katie Crysdale
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Ltd.

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