Happy Birthday, Lakeview!

Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Ltd. was founded in March 2017. Next week, we're celebrating 7 years in business. Just when you think you've seen it all, this week presented an unusual array of huh moments:

  • a sales rep from a well-known company bombed the chat in my Zoom CPO Class, trying to pitch his product (which I hate, btw.)
  • a student asked for a full refund 3/4 of the way through a class because "the material is more information than I need."
  • a potential client requested pricing for a private class in their city (400km from where I'm located), and didn't understand 1) why I would charge return mileage ("you just need to get here,") and 2) if I could stay in their home to save money?
  • a student - whose employer paid for their CPO class registration & retest fee - tried to threaten me into giving him a passing test score (thank goodness they're several provinces away!)

As they say in the business world: if you're not earning, at least you're learning.

All you can do is your best. Some weeks that isn't good enough, and you just have to learn to be ok with that.

In other news, we are continuing with updates to the Aquatic Industry Insider series along with a new episode about pool closures in Winnipeg and a life/biz update.

We're also going to be celebrating the 2020 POOLaide Webinars over the next few months - how has it been four years already?! - so I would encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with new videos & updates.

The warmer weather means our spring Certified Pool Operator (CPO) classes are selling briskly. Please register soon to avoid disappointment or contact me to make special arrangements.

If you work with lifeguards or swim instructors, I love this reel as a potential teambuilding activity or energizer. Why not do this activity in pairs where each ball strike is a point? Teams are eliminated at the end of each round or have a set amount of time to get as many points as possible. It's hard, so it will lead to lots of laughs.

Thanks for being here.

Katie Crysdale
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Ltd.

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