What's new on YouTube?

They say that success on YouTube is predicated on having a predictable video release schedule that your audience can rely on. I don't think ghosting for a year, and then posting five videos in 10 days is exactly what they had in mind. 🫠

It just so happens that I'm still slow at editing videos. I've outsourced this task before, and I'm happy to do so again in the future, but - for right now - I also feel it's important I actually learn how to edit videos. Thus, our slow and inconsistent release schedule.

If I have a busy month of teaching & consulting, I might record a few commentary videos on my phone from a hotel room, but no editing seems to happen until I have at least one free day on the desktop in my office. After you spend a day grinding through one video, the process speeds up, and thus I end up with a whole bunch of videos ready to release all at once.

In case it wasn't clear: I'm not here for the algorithm.

Please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel to receive updates as new videos are released. They are not all under the Aquatic Industry Insider heading, some are interviews; presentations; pool equipment and skill demos as my schedule allows.

This video provides commentary on two cases - one in Canada, one in the USA - where at-home daycares operated in homes with inground, backyard swimming pools resulted in daycare children drownings, both fatal and non-fatal with morbidity. Both daycare operators now face criminal charges.

In this video, I share my personal experience with the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) Swimming & Water Safety Program after it was announced that the program will be ending due to financial constraints.

In this video, I share an outtake from our Ruth Lee Lifeguard Rescue Manikin series of how not to do a vice roll on an unconscious victim.

In this video, I share my thoughts on four years (!) since the original POOLaide Webinar series that made us go viral.

Thanks so much for being here.

Katie Crysdale
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Ltd.

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