News Roundup #4

Beach-lovers beware: Umbrellas injure thousands a year
Did you know that beach umbrellas injure thousands of people each year?! I truly had no idea. "Data from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) indicates that more than 31,000 people were treated in hospitals for umbrella-related injuries between 2008 and 2017." Content warning: the article listed above starts off by describing a graphic injury.

Shade structures are an important component of outdoor aquatic facilities, but this has me seriously reconsidering the appropriateness of non-permanent options like umbrellas!

Young Woman and the Sea | Official Trailer
There's been an uptick in recent water-related movies from the 2023 Oscar nominee Nyad to the 2022 documentary about the Syrian Civil War called The Swimmers. This new movie tells the story of Trudy Ederle who, in 1926, attempted to swim across the English Channel.
I can't recall exactly how I came across this website, but there are tons of great activities (both free & paid via a membership) to help you be a better swim instructor. Swimming between tot docks - what I would describe to the kids as swimming out to the island - is an activity I used for many, many years with young swimmers trying to build endurance past 5m.

No injuries reported after chlorine gas leak forces evacuation of Regina YMCA
The vast majority of "chlorine gas" leaks reported in the media are not the result of a leaking chlorine gas tank, but human error or changes to the circulation system (e.g. a power outage) that cause chlorine & acid to mix in quantities that can cause a gas buildup in the pool area. I don't know the specifics about the system in operation at the YMCA in Regina, but these incidents are always a good opportunities for us to revisit our facility operating & evacuation procedures.

To learn more about basic precautions such as interlocking feeding systems, I recommend this excellent video (below) from the Certified Pool Operator playlist on our YouTube Channel.

Thanks so much for being here!

Katie Crysdale
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Ltd.

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